the temperature is goind down 降温
【例句:The temperature is going down steadily. It's time to get out your thicker coats. 温度正在稳步下降。是时候拿出你们更厚的外套了。】
a drop in temperature
【例句:There will be a significant drop in temperature tomorrow, so make sure to bundle up. 明天将会有明显的降温,所以一定要穿暖和点。】
alternating between heat and cold 忽冷忽热
【例句:The weather in this region is characterized by alternating between heat and cold, which makes it hard to predict. 这个地区的天气特点是忽冷忽热,这使得天气很难预测。】
shifting from hot to cold and back 忽冷忽热
【例句:The weather has been shifting from hot to cold and back in a very strange way this spring. 今年春天天气以一种很奇怪的方式忽冷忽热。】
What's this world coming to? 这个世界到底怎么了?
secondhand smoke 二手烟
bottomless pit 无底洞
pour/throw money into a bottomless pit 往无底洞里花钱
【例句:We'll be pouring money into a bottomless pit if we try to keep that factory open. 再继续把工厂开下去,就是在往无底洞里砸钱了。】
benefit weighing 权衡利弊
pantisocracy 大同社会
flout objective laws 违背客观规律
flout 嘲笑,违背
【例句:Construction laws are often flouted in Pakistan. 在巴基斯坦,建筑法常常形同虚设。】
calling a stag a horse 指鹿为马
can't stand the cold 怕冷
【例句:My grandmother can't stand the cold, so she always stays indoors with the heater on during winter. 我的祖母怕冷,所以在冬天她总是呆在室内开着暖气。】
be prone to feeling chilly
【例句:Some poeple with poor blood circulation are prone to feeling chilly even in relatively warm rooms. 一些血液循环不好的人即使在相对温暖的房间里也容易感觉寒冷。】
have a low tolerance for cold
【例句:Children usually have a low tolerance for cold compared to adults. 与成年人相比,孩子们通常对寒冷的忍受力较低。】
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